




Original peg re-adjustment (main + taraf):  75€


New main pegs adjustment: 115 + ( peg's price if applicable)


New taraf pegs adjustment: 135€ + ( peg's price if applicable)


Full new peg adjustment (taraf + main): 185€ ( peg's price if applicable)


Main tumba repair: 150€ to 250 (depending on the damage, pictures will be required for an accurate quotation). Price includes the painting and polish of the tumba.


Upper tumba repair: 40€ to 80€ (depending on the damage, pictures will be required for an accurate quotation). It includes the painting and polish of the tumba.


Tumba painting and polish: 95€


New french polish/shellac (whole instrument): 195€


Fretting: 50€


Fret cleaning and sanding: 115€


Fret retie: 5€ piece


Jawary main bridge: Close to 1/2: 75€

                                     1/2 to Open: 90€


New bridge adjustment + jawary: 115€ + (new bridge price if applicable)


Jawary taraf bridge: 38€


Restringing (main): 35€


Restringing (taraf): 65€


Restringing (main + taraf): 85€


String action adjustment: 25€


Phulia replacement: 15€ piece


New chikari post replacement: 20€


New meru replacement: 40€ + (meru’s price if applicable)


New Tar Gahan replacement: 40€ + (Tar Gahan price if applicable)


Meru and tar Gahan replacement: 70€ + (Tar Gahan & Meru price if applicable)


Other repairings: such wood cracks, neck joint repairing, celluloid replacement etc....: depending on damage. Pictures will be requested for an accurate quotation.







Skin replacement: 215€

New french polish/shellac (whole instrument): 175€

Original peg re-adjustment (main + taraf): 90€

New main pegs adjustment: 125€ + ( peg's price if applicable)

New taraf pegs adjustment: 150€ + ( peg's price if applicable)

Full new peg adjustment (taraf + main): 225€ + ( peg's price if applicable)

Restringing (main): 45€

Restringing (Taraf):  75€

Restringing (taraf + main): 95€

Other repairings or adjustments to be quotated.




Dilruba/Esraj/ Sarangi



New Skin replacement: 125€

Restringing: from 85€ to 95€

New french polish/shellac: 115€




Custom bridges for sitar:



Custom bridges can be done according to your specs with a wide range of materials like Snakewood, African Blackwood, Ebony, Ivory, Delrin, Delrin AF, Hipo ivory when available.........or your material of choice. Prices starting at 75€. Contact us for an accurate quotation.



Other repairings:

For other repairings not listed in this section contact us please.




